Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation of project

This has been a pritty hectic project because of the time constraint but a very useful one. This is the first time i have ever modeled an organic subject in such detail and i have learnt so many new skills which will come in very handy in future projects in 3ds max and design in general. when i first started this module i was very conserned if the tutorials would be easy to follow and if they would cover it in enough detail. I was very impressed after the first few as it really started to click and the tutorials guided you thru the process smoothly and quickly but also letting you take your own approach to some problems at the same time.

I feel that my model as turned out very well but there is obvious improvments and changes i would have made if given more time. For instance i now realise the importance in getting the topology stages correct and neat. I did do the intial topology a few times to get it right but i should have taken a lil more time as some polygons are showing at the end which could have been dealt with in those stages, but ive learnt from it and i will know for next time. So to sum it up i am very happy with my model and although its not perfect im just pleased to have finished this project as i was cautious about it at first. i would definatly do something like this again and i have learnt valuable skills and techniques which will come in very useful in future uni projects and work.

Finished head model

Here is my finished head model with all the elements documented earlier in effect.

Finishing touches, cameras, lights, Enviroment

This is a simple gradient from light blue to white which i created in photoshop as a background for my 3d model. I fort it was alot nicer then leaving it in a single colour tone. This will be seen once the model has been render as a static fill background.

Now that i have completed my head i have been using a target camera to get some angled shots for finished model. i simply choose camera from the side panel and used the 4 view points to postion it and kept rendering quick images to see what the angle of the shot was like till i was happy. I did try applying a few lighting techniques but i ended up just using the sound preset in the enviroments and rendering panel which was enough.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Finishing touches (Hair using hair and fur modifier)

Here i have been playing about with the hair and fur modifier, its the first time ive used the modifier and it was an interesting tool to use. I simply selcted it from the modifiers panel and then with polygons selected clicked holding ctrl where i wanted the hair on the head. I then played around with the parameters such as hair length, root thickness ect till i was happy.


On the top there is the eye material which i dowloaded from google image to use over my eye balls. this image, although looking very nice was a lil flat so i used a white gradient over it in photoshop to create a light reflection which works well and makes them look alot more life like and less flat. then the image below is once they have been assigned to the eye balls and placed inside my head model.

Bump map creation in photoshop/ Noise Distortion

After the original bump map was created i then used some noise distrotion to make the texture look a lil better which worked really well and gave a really good texture to the model.

This is my bump map that i made from the original txeture painting used to cover the uvw map. To do this we created a grey layer under the face texture original and then went onto adjustments on the face texture later and selected desaturate. we then added a high pass filter and then used the clone tool to take out any lines or embossing lines which will reflect on the skin texture (basically cleaning the bump map up a lil). after applying it to the skin material thru the bump map parameters box.

finished texture painting and application to model

Here is my finished texture painting of my face and it applied to my head. This has been another time consuming process peicing my face together in photoshop and belnding the variuos peices to get stubble and colour changes that natural occur. To do this i simply used the cut and clone tools to take and blend the variuos slices of my skin and put them over my uvw map then apply them to a material in max and place it on the model. Now on to create the bump map and finish my model for hand in. :)