Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation of project

This has been a pritty hectic project because of the time constraint but a very useful one. This is the first time i have ever modeled an organic subject in such detail and i have learnt so many new skills which will come in very handy in future projects in 3ds max and design in general. when i first started this module i was very conserned if the tutorials would be easy to follow and if they would cover it in enough detail. I was very impressed after the first few as it really started to click and the tutorials guided you thru the process smoothly and quickly but also letting you take your own approach to some problems at the same time.

I feel that my model as turned out very well but there is obvious improvments and changes i would have made if given more time. For instance i now realise the importance in getting the topology stages correct and neat. I did do the intial topology a few times to get it right but i should have taken a lil more time as some polygons are showing at the end which could have been dealt with in those stages, but ive learnt from it and i will know for next time. So to sum it up i am very happy with my model and although its not perfect im just pleased to have finished this project as i was cautious about it at first. i would definatly do something like this again and i have learnt valuable skills and techniques which will come in very useful in future uni projects and work.

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